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english labradors

Gunsmoke Kennels

 american labradors





​27 years of history and experience.


Gunsmoke Kennels started breeding over 27 years ago, taking a break through our college years.  It didn't take long for us to get back in the breeding ring.


As a teenager owning two labs, as pets and best friends, we had a couple of litters to assist in paying for college.  After college, being avid hunters, we acquired our first bitch to hunt and to be our house dog over 17 years ago.  Molly was a part of our family during the birth of our three daughters. 


A few years afters adding Molly to our family, we discovered the English labs and it didn't take us long to dabble in showing.  Now with three children and our outside activities we've taken a break from showing, but haven't stopped improving our bloodlines.

© 2013 Gunsmoke Kennels

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